Recorded Media

Video archives and recordings

video - Manage Recorded Videos


video - manage and interact with recorded videos.


een video [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]


The video command allows you to download recorded videos, list available videos, and check the status of preview recordings.



Download video from the camera.

Required options:

  • --esn [esn]
    ESN of the camera.
  • --start-time [start time]
    Video start time.
  • --end-time [end time]
    Video end time.
  • --format [format]
    Video format.
  • --target-directory [target-directory]
    Specify the directory where the video will be saved.

Optional options:

  • --timezone [timezone]
    Timezone to use for the video download.
  • --overwrite
    Overwrite the existing video file.
  • --debug
    Enable detailed debug output for troubleshooting.


  • Video downloads support both mp4 and FLV formats.
  • The timezone option is only supported for mp4 format.
  • Video downloading is done in batches of 5 videos at a time.
  • start-time and end-time time format should be YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.sss (Compact ISO 8601 date time with millisecond precision)


  • Downloads the video from the specified camera if all required options are provided.


Get a list of videos from the selected camera.

Required options:

  • --esn [esn]
    ESN of the camera.
  • --start-time [start time]
    Video start time.
  • --end-time [end time]
    Video end time.

Optional options:

  • --debug
    Enable detailed debug output for troubleshooting.


  • start-time and end-time time format should be YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.sss (Compact ISO 8601 date time with millisecond precision)


  • Lists videos available from the specified camera within the given time frame.


Get the status of preview recording.

Required options:

  • --esns [esns]
    ESNs of the camera.
  • --start-time [start time]
    Video start time.

Optional options:

  • --end-time [end time]
    Video end time.
  • -f, --file-name [file name]
    Specify the name of the file where the output will be saved.
  • --no-prompt
    Skip all user confirmation prompts.
  • --google-sheet
    List camera recording status in CSV format in Google Sheets.
  • --debug
    Enable detailed debug output for troubleshooting.


  • start-time and end-time time format should be YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sss±HH:MM (ISO 8601 extended date-time)


  • If ESNs and start time are provided, it checks the preview recording status. If the --google-sheet option is provided, the statuses will be listed in Google Sheets.


  • To download a video from a camera:
een video download --esn 123456 --start-time "20241001000000.000" --end-time "20241001010000.000" --format mp4 --target-directory /path/to/save
  • To list videos from a camera:
een video list --esn 123456 --start-time "20241001000000.000" --end-time "20241001010000.000" --debug
  • To check the status of a preview recording:
een video previewrecordingstatus --esns 1005f355 --start-time  2024-11-17T09:20:54.619+00:00 --end-time  2024-11-18T09:20:54.619+00:00 --debug

archive - Manage Archives


archive - manage and interact with archives.


een archive [COMMAND] [OPTIONS]


The archive command allows you to manage archives, including listing archives and downloading specific archives.



Get the list of available archives.


  • --detailed
    Retrieve a detailed list of archives with additional metadata.
  • --csv
    Export the archive list in CSV format.
  • --target-directory [target directory]
    Specify the directory where the output file will be saved.
  • --debug
    Enable detailed debug output for troubleshooting.
  • -l
    Display archive details, including filename, size, creation date, shared status, and shared path.


Download a specific archive.


  • <archive>
    The name of the archive to download (required).

Required options:

  • --target-directory [target-directory]
    Specify the name of the directory where the output will be saved.

Optional options:

  • --overwrite
    Overwrite the already downloaded archive if it exists.
  • --debug
    Enable debug output for troubleshooting.


  • To list available archives:
een archive list --detailed --csv --target-directory /path/to/output
  • To download a specific archive:
een archive download <archive> --target-directory /path/to/save --overwrite --debug