Audio push via HTTP


The following guide outlines the process of sending the audio to the speaker associated with an Eagle Eye Networks camera. This is particularly useful for sending the raw audio (ulaw/alaw) via HTTP.



Only one person at a time can communicate with a speaker. Audio push is a talk-down feature and it is not meant to be used for two-way-audio purposes, as there would be about 5 seconds delay in sending audio with push audio HTTP.

See the 2-Way Audio (No SDK), for a synced audio communication based on the WebRTC protocol.



Currently, the supported audio types are alaw and ulaw.


Make sure you meet the following requirements:

  • You have a valid Eagle Eye Networks account.
  • The camera and the speaker is associated with the account.
  • The speaker is connected to the camera.


Follow these steps to send the audio to the speaker associated with Eagle Eye Networks camera.

  1. Log in to your Eagle Eye Networks account.



You can get your Base URL and access token from your account. See Logging in.

  1. Call the /feeds API with the camera ID using the following cURL command.



Make sure to replace <access_token> with your valid access token and the deviceId in parameters with the camera ID you want to access.

curl --request GET \
     --url 'https://<<BaseUrl>>/api/v3.0/feeds?deviceId=<<deviceId>>&include=audioPushHttpsUrl' \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Bearer <<access_token>>'

The response contains the audioPushHttpsUrl for the specified camera if a speaker is associated with this camera.

The following is a sample response for the above call:

"nextPageToken": "",
"prevPageToken": "",
"results": [
"id": "10001523-main",
"type": "main",
"deviceId": "1000dabb",
"mediaType": "audio"
"audioPushHttpsUrl": ""

  1. Send the audio to the speaker by doing the following:
    i. Extract the audioPushHttpsUrl from the JSON response.
    ii. Get the captured raw audio type.
    iii. Create the audioPush endpoint by appending the audio type to the audioPushHttpsUrl.
  • For ulaw:

  • For alaw:

      iv. Send the audio to the audioPush endpoint.



Make sure to replace <access_token> with your valid access token and the deviceId in parameters with the camera ID you want to access.

curl --form 'audio_chunk=@./sample_8k_8bit_1ch_ulaw.raw' 
--header 'Authorization: bearer <access_token>' 
--location --header 'Transfer-Encoding: chunked' --limit-rate 8000b

Result: You are now able to send the audio to the speaker.