Google Integration
Connect with Google Docs to export data
googleconfig - Update Google Configuration Options
- update configuration options for Google settings.
een googleconfig update <option name> <value>
The googleconfig
command allows you to update specific configuration options related to Google settings.
Update Google config option values.
<option name>
The name of the configuration option that needs to be updated. -
The new value for the specified option. This value is parsed as a JSON string.
The action processes the provided option name and value, parsing the value as JSON and updating the Google configuration file accordingly.
To update a Google configuration option:
een googleconfig update "api_key" "your_api_key_value"
For Google Sheets commands
Generate Credentials for accessing Google Sheets and Google Drive
The credentials required depends on the type of data, platform, and access methodology of your app.
Create a service account
- Open the Google Cloud console.
- At the top-left, click Menu menu > IAM & Admin > Service Accounts.
- Click Create service account.
- Fill in the service account details, then click Create and continue.
- Optional: Assign roles to your service account to grant access to your Google Cloud project's resources.
- Click Continue.
- Optional: Enter users or groups that can manage and perform actions with this service account.
- Click Done.
Service account
Use this credential to authenticate as a robot service account or to access resources on behalf of Google Workspace or Cloud Identity users through domain-wide delegation.
Create credentials for a service account
You need to obtain credentials in the form of a public/private key pair. These credentials are used by your code to authorize service account actions within your app.
To obtain credentials for your service account:
- Open the Google Cloud console.
- At the top-left, click Menu menu > IAM & Admin > Service Accounts.
- Select your service account.
- Click Keys > Add keys > Create new key.
- Select JSON, then click Create.
Your new public/private key pair is generated and downloaded to your machine as a new file. This file is the only copy of this key. - Click Close.
Drive Folder ID
A folder ID can be extracted from its URL. For example, the folder ID in the URL is ABCDE12345
Grant Editor permission to access the Google Drive folder
Grant permission to your client email in your Google Drive folder.
Client email is the email that you get while initializing the project in the Google Cloud console.
Enable GoogleSheet API and Google Drive APIs
- Open APIS and Services page
- Navigate to API Library
- Search for Google Drive API
Enable Google Drive API by clicking on the
button -
Search for Google Sheets API
- Enable Google Sheets API by clicking on the
While executing Google Sheets commands, if you encounter any error messages like:
errors: [
message: 'Google Sheets API has not been used in project 886039128663 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.',
domain: 'usageLimits',
reason: 'accessNotConfigured',
extendedHelp: ''
This error indicates that you are not enabled
Google Sheets API for your service account.
errors: [
message: 'Google Drive API has not been used in project 886039128663 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.',
domain: 'usageLimits',
reason: 'accessNotConfigured',
extendedHelp: ''
This error indicates that you are not enabled
Google Drive API for your service account.
To fix the same, please follow the steps above for enabling GoogleSheet API and Google Drive API
Setting Google Configuration
The .een/static_config.json file that gets created while logging in using the CLI has the following values:
- "serviceAccountPrivateKey": "your private key"
- "serviceAccountClientEmail": "your client email"
- "driveFolderID": "google drive folder id"
The serviceAccountPrivateKey and serviceAccountClientEmail can be found in your downloaded file, you get while doing the step 5 in obtaining the credentials for your service account.
Replace these values with your credentials, you will be able to get the Google Sheets commands working.
To update the Google config values, you can also use the command:
een googleconfig update <name> -- <value>
een googleconfig update "driveFolderID" -- "1giou_ghlihbZyUpwCx"
Camera settings that can be edited:
- cloud-retention-days - [Cloud retention]
- video-resolution - [Video resolution]
- bridge-target-days - [Local retention - Min]
- local-retention-days - [Local retention - Max]
- preview-resolution - [Preview resolution]
- preview-transmit-mode - [Preview transmit mode]
- video-transmit-mode - [Video transmit mode]
- video-quality - [Full Video quality]
- tags - [Tags]
- username - [Camera username]
- password - [Camera password]
- aspect-ratio- [Preview aspect ratio]
- video-capture-mode - [Preview Record when]
- preview-interval-ms - [Preview update rate]
- preview-quality - [Preview quality]
- preview-only-cloud-retention - [Cloud Preview Only (PR1)]
- audio-enable - [Enable audio if available]
- audio-disable - [Disable audio if available]
- Except for
all other fields in the camera settings file are editable.
Bridge settings that can be edited:
- local-rtsp-metrics - [Bridge rtsp metrics]
Available camera status
- "Camera online"
- "Stream attached"
- "Camera on"
- "Camera recording"
- "Camera sending previews"
- "Camera located"
- "Camera not supported"
- "Camera configuration in process"
- "Camera needs ONVIF password"
- "Camera available but not yet attached"
- "Internal status"
- "Camera error"
- "Reserved"
- "Invalid state"
- "Camera streaming"
- "Camera registered"
Available timezones
- "Africa/Abidjan"
- "Africa/Accra"
- "Africa/Addis_Ababa"
- "Africa/Algiers"
- "Africa/Asmara"
- "Africa/Asmera"
- "Africa/Bamako"
- "Africa/Bangui"
- "Africa/Banjul"
- "Africa/Bissau"
- "Africa/Blantyre"
- "Africa/Brazzaville"
- "Africa/Bujumbura"
- "Africa/Cairo"
- "Africa/Casablanca"
- "Africa/Ceuta"
- "Africa/Conakry"
- "Africa/Dakar"
- "Africa/Dar_es_Salaam"
- "Africa/Djibouti"
- "Africa/Douala"
- "Africa/El_Aaiun"
- "Africa/Freetown"
- "Africa/Gaborone"
- "Africa/Harare"
- "Africa/Johannesburg"
- "Africa/Juba"
- "Africa/Kampala"
- "Africa/Khartoum"
- "Africa/Kigali"
- "Africa/Kinshasa"
- "Africa/Lagos"
- "Africa/Libreville"
- "Africa/Lome"
- "Africa/Luanda"
- "Africa/Lubumbashi"
- "Africa/Lusaka"
- "Africa/Malabo"
- "Africa/Maputo"
- "Africa/Maseru"
- "Africa/Mbabane"
- "Africa/Mogadishu"
- "Africa/Monrovia"
- "Africa/Nairobi"
- "Africa/Ndjamena"
- "Africa/Niamey"
- "Africa/Nouakchott"
- "Africa/Ouagadougou"
- "Africa/Porto-Novo"
- "Africa/Sao_Tome"
- "Africa/Timbuktu"
- "Africa/Tripoli"
- "Africa/Tunis"
- "Africa/Windhoek"
- "America/Adak"
- "America/Anchorage"
- "America/Anguilla"
- "America/Antigua"
- "America/Araguaina"
- "America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires"
- "America/Argentina/Catamarca"
- "America/Argentina/ComodRivadavia"
- "America/Argentina/Cordoba"
- "America/Argentina/Jujuy"
- "America/Argentina/La_Rioja"
- "America/Argentina/Mendoza"
- "America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos"
- "America/Argentina/Salta"
- "America/Argentina/San_Juan"
- "America/Argentina/San_Luis"
- "America/Argentina/Tucuman"
- "America/Argentina/Ushuaia"
- "America/Aruba"
- "America/Asuncion"
- "America/Atikokan"
- "America/Atka"
- "America/Bahia"
- "America/Bahia_Banderas"
- "America/Barbados"
- "America/Belem"
- "America/Belize"
- "America/Blanc-Sablon"
- "America/Boa_Vista"
- "America/Bogota"
- "America/Boise"
- "America/Buenos_Aires"
- "America/Cambridge_Bay"
- "America/Campo_Grande"
- "America/Cancun"
- "America/Caracas"
- "America/Catamarca"
- "America/Cayenne"
- "America/Cayman"
- "America/Chicago"
- "America/Chihuahua"
- "America/Coral_Harbour"
- "America/Cordoba"
- "America/Costa_Rica"
- "America/Creston"
- "America/Cuiaba"
- "America/Curacao"
- "America/Danmarkshavn"
- "America/Dawson"
- "America/Dawson_Creek"
- "America/Denver"
- "America/Detroit"
- "America/Dominica"
- "America/Edmonton"
- "America/Eirunepe"
- "America/El_Salvador"
- "America/Ensenada"
- "America/Fort_Nelson"
- "America/Fort_Wayne"
- "America/Fortaleza"
- "America/Glace_Bay"
- "America/Godthab"
- "America/Goose_Bay"
- "America/Grand_Turk"
- "America/Grenada"
- "America/Guadeloupe"
- "America/Guatemala"
- "America/Guayaquil"
- "America/Guyana"
- "America/Halifax"
- "America/Havana"
- "America/Hermosillo"
- "America/Indiana/Indianapolis"
- "America/Indiana/Knox"
- "America/Indiana/Marengo"
- "America/Indiana/Petersburg"
- "America/Indiana/Tell_City"
- "America/Indiana/Vevay"
- "America/Indiana/Vincennes"
- "America/Indiana/Winamac"
- "America/Indianapolis"
- "America/Inuvik"
- "America/Iqaluit"
- "America/Jamaica"
- "America/Jujuy"
- "America/Juneau"
- "America/Kentucky/Louisville"
- "America/Kentucky/Monticello"
- "America/Knox_IN"
- "America/Kralendijk"
- "America/La_Paz"
- "America/Lima"
- "America/Los_Angeles"
- "America/Louisville"
- "America/Lower_Princes"
- "America/Maceio"
- "America/Managua"
- "America/Manaus"
- "America/Marigot"
- "America/Martinique"
- "America/Matamoros"
- "America/Mazatlan"
- "America/Mendoza"
- "America/Menominee"
- "America/Merida"
- "America/Metlakatla"
- "America/Mexico_City"
- "America/Miquelon"
- "America/Moncton"
- "America/Monterrey"
- "America/Montevideo"
- "America/Montreal"
- "America/Montserrat"
- "America/Nassau"
- "America/New_York"
- "America/Nipigon"
- "America/Nome"
- "America/Noronha"
- "America/North_Dakota/Beulah"
- "America/North_Dakota/Center"
- "America/North_Dakota/New_Salem"
- "America/Ojinaga"
- "America/Panama"
- "America/Pangnirtung"
- "America/Paramaribo"
- "America/Phoenix"
- "America/Port-au-Prince"
- "America/Port_of_Spain"
- "America/Porto_Acre"
- "America/Porto_Velho"
- "America/Puerto_Rico"
- "America/Punta_Arenas"
- "America/Rainy_River"
- "America/Rankin_Inlet"
- "America/Recife"
- "America/Regina"
- "America/Resolute"
- "America/Rio_Branco"
- "America/Rosario"
- "America/Santa_Isabel"
- "America/Santarem"
- "America/Santiago"
- "America/Santo_Domingo"
- "America/Sao_Paulo"
- "America/Scoresbysund"
- "America/Shiprock"
- "America/Sitka"
- "America/St_Barthelemy"
- "America/St_Johns"
- "America/St_Kitts"
- "America/St_Lucia"
- "America/St_Thomas"
- "America/St_Vincent"
- "America/Swift_Current"
- "America/Tegucigalpa"
- "America/Thule"
- "America/Thunder_Bay"
- "America/Tijuana"
- "America/Toronto"
- "America/Tortola"
- "America/Vancouver"
- "America/Virgin"
- "America/Whitehorse"
- "America/Winnipeg"
- "America/Yakutat"
- "America/Yellowknife"
- "Antarctica/Casey"
- "Antarctica/Davis"
- "Antarctica/DumontDUrville"
- "Antarctica/Macquarie"
- "Antarctica/Mawson"
- "Antarctica/McMurdo"
- "Antarctica/Palmer"
- "Antarctica/Rothera"
- "Antarctica/South_Pole"
- "Antarctica/Syowa"
- "Antarctica/Troll"
- "Antarctica/Vostok"
- "Arctic/Longyearbyen"
- "Asia/Aden"
- "Asia/Almaty"
- "Asia/Amman"
- "Asia/Anadyr"
- "Asia/Aqtau"
- "Asia/Aqtobe"
- "Asia/Ashgabat"
- "Asia/Ashkhabad"
- "Asia/Atyrau"
- "Asia/Baghdad"
- "Asia/Bahrain"
- "Asia/Baku"
- "Asia/Bangkok"
- "Asia/Barnaul"
- "Asia/Beirut"
- "Asia/Bishkek"
- "Asia/Brunei"
- "Asia/Calcutta"
- "Asia/Chita"
- "Asia/Choibalsan"
- "Asia/Chongqing"
- "Asia/Chungking"
- "Asia/Colombo"
- "Asia/Dacca"
- "Asia/Damascus"
- "Asia/Dhaka"
- "Asia/Dili"
- "Asia/Dubai"
- "Asia/Dushanbe"
- "Asia/Famagusta"
- "Asia/Gaza"
- "Asia/Harbin"
- "Asia/Hebron"
- "Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh"
- "Asia/Hong_Kong"
- "Asia/Hovd"
- "Asia/Irkutsk"
- "Asia/Istanbul"
- "Asia/Jakarta"
- "Asia/Jayapura"
- "Asia/Jerusalem"
- "Asia/Kabul"
- "Asia/Kamchatka"
- "Asia/Karachi"
- "Asia/Kashgar"
- "Asia/Kathmandu"
- "Asia/Katmandu"
- "Asia/Khandyga"
- "Asia/Kolkata"
- "Asia/Krasnoyarsk"
- "Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"
- "Asia/Kuching"
- "Asia/Kuwait"
- "Asia/Macao"
- "Asia/Macau"
- "Asia/Magadan"
- "Asia/Makassar"
- "Asia/Manila"
- "Asia/Muscat"
- "Asia/Nicosia"
- "Asia/Novokuznetsk"
- "Asia/Novosibirsk"
- "Asia/Omsk"
- "Asia/Oral"
- "Asia/Phnom_Penh"
- "Asia/Pontianak"
- "Asia/Pyongyang"
- "Asia/Qatar"
- "Asia/Qostanay"
- "Asia/Qyzylorda"
- "Asia/Rangoon"
- "Asia/Riyadh"
- "Asia/Saigon"
- "Asia/Sakhalin"
- "Asia/Samarkand"
- "Asia/Seoul"
- "Asia/Shanghai"
- "Asia/Singapore"
- "Asia/Srednekolymsk"
- "Asia/Taipei"
- "Asia/Tashkent"
- "Asia/Tbilisi"
- "Asia/Tehran"
- "Asia/Tel_Aviv"
- "Asia/Thimbu"
- "Asia/Thimphu"
- "Asia/Tokyo"
- "Asia/Tomsk"
- "Asia/Ujung_Pandang"
- "Asia/Ulaanbaatar"
- "Asia/Ulan_Bator"
- "Asia/Urumqi"
- "Asia/Ust-Nera"
- "Asia/Vientiane"
- "Asia/Vladivostok"
- "Asia/Yakutsk"
- "Asia/Yangon"
- "Asia/Yekaterinburg"
- "Asia/Yerevan"
- "Atlantic/Azores"
- "Atlantic/Bermuda"
- "Atlantic/Canary"
- "Atlantic/Cape_Verde"
- "Atlantic/Faeroe"
- "Atlantic/Faroe"
- "Atlantic/Jan_Mayen"
- "Atlantic/Madeira"
- "Atlantic/Reykjavik"
- "Atlantic/South_Georgia"
- "Atlantic/St_Helena"
- "Atlantic/Stanley"
- "Australia/ACT"
- "Australia/Adelaide"
- "Australia/Brisbane"
- "Australia/Broken_Hill"
- "Australia/Canberra"
- "Australia/Currie"
- "Australia/Darwin"
- "Australia/Eucla"
- "Australia/Hobart"
- "Australia/LHI"
- "Australia/Lindeman"
- "Australia/Lord_Howe"
- "Australia/Melbourne"
- "Australia/NSW"
- "Australia/North"
- "Australia/Perth"
- "Australia/Queensland"
- "Australia/South"
- "Australia/Sydney"
- "Australia/Tasmania"
- "Australia/Victoria"
- "Australia/West"
- "Australia/Yancowinna"
- "Brazil/Acre"
- "Brazil/DeNoronha"
- "Brazil/East"
- "Brazil/West"
- "CET"
- "Canada/Atlantic"
- "Canada/Central"
- "Canada/Eastern"
- "Canada/Mountain"
- "Canada/Newfoundland"
- "Canada/Pacific"
- "Canada/Saskatchewan"
- "Canada/Yukon"
- "Chile/Continental"
- "Chile/EasterIsland"
- "Cuba"
- "EET"
- "EST"
- "Egypt"
- "Eire"
- "Etc/GMT"
- "Etc/GMT+0"
- "Etc/GMT+1"
- "Etc/GMT+10"
- "Etc/GMT+11"
- "Etc/GMT+12"
- "Etc/GMT+2"
- "Etc/GMT+3"
- "Etc/GMT+4"
- "Etc/GMT+5"
- "Etc/GMT+6"
- "Etc/GMT+7"
- "Etc/GMT+8"
- "Etc/GMT+9"
- "Etc/GMT-0"
- "Etc/GMT-1"
- "Etc/GMT-10"
- "Etc/GMT-11"
- "Etc/GMT-12"
- "Etc/GMT-13"
- "Etc/GMT-14"
- "Etc/GMT-2"
- "Etc/GMT-3"
- "Etc/GMT-4"
- "Etc/GMT-5"
- "Etc/GMT-6"
- "Etc/GMT-7"
- "Etc/GMT-8"
- "Etc/GMT-9"
- "Etc/GMT0"
- "Etc/Greenwich"
- "Etc/UCT"
- "Etc/UTC"
- "Etc/Universal"
- "Etc/Zulu"
- "Europe/Amsterdam"
- "Europe/Andorra"
- "Europe/Astrakhan"
- "Europe/Athens"
- "Europe/Belfast"
- "Europe/Belgrade"
- "Europe/Berlin"
- "Europe/Bratislava"
- "Europe/Brussels"
- "Europe/Bucharest"
- "Europe/Budapest"
- "Europe/Busingen"
- "Europe/Chisinau"
- "Europe/Copenhagen"
- "Europe/Dublin"
- "Europe/Gibraltar"
- "Europe/Guernsey"
- "Europe/Helsinki"
- "Europe/Isle_of_Man"
- "Europe/Istanbul"
- "Europe/Jersey"
- "Europe/Kaliningrad"
- "Europe/Kiev"
- "Europe/Kirov"
- "Europe/Lisbon"
- "Europe/Ljubljana"
- "Europe/London"
- "Europe/Luxembourg"
- "Europe/Madrid"
- "Europe/Malta"
- "Europe/Mariehamn"
- "Europe/Minsk"
- "Europe/Monaco"
- "Europe/Moscow"
- "Europe/Nicosia"
- "Europe/Oslo"
- "Europe/Paris"
- "Europe/Podgorica"
- "Europe/Prague"
- "Europe/Riga"
- "Europe/Rome"
- "Europe/Samara"
- "Europe/San_Marino"
- "Europe/Sarajevo"
- "Europe/Saratov"
- "Europe/Simferopol"
- "Europe/Skopje"
- "Europe/Sofia"
- "Europe/Stockholm"
- "Europe/Tallinn"
- "Europe/Tirane"
- "Europe/Tiraspol"
- "Europe/Ulyanovsk"
- "Europe/Uzhgorod"
- "Europe/Vaduz"
- "Europe/Vatican"
- "Europe/Vienna"
- "Europe/Vilnius"
- "Europe/Volgograd"
- "Europe/Warsaw"
- "Europe/Zagreb"
- "Europe/Zaporozhye"
- "Europe/Zurich"
- "Factory"
- "GB"
- "GB-Eire"
- "GMT"
- "GMT+0"
- "GMT-0"
- "GMT0"
- "Greenwich"
- "HST"
- "Hongkong"
- "Iceland"
- "Indian/Antananarivo"
- "Indian/Chagos"
- "Indian/Christmas"
- "Indian/Cocos"
- "Indian/Comoro"
- "Indian/Kerguelen"
- "Indian/Mahe"
- "Indian/Maldives"
- "Indian/Mauritius"
- "Indian/Mayotte"
- "Indian/Reunion"
- "Iran"
- "Israel"
- "Jamaica"
- "Japan"
- "Kwajalein"
- "Libya"
- "MET"
- "MST"
- "Mexico/BajaNorte"
- "Mexico/BajaSur"
- "Mexico/General"
- "NZ"
- "Navajo"
- "PRC"
- "Pacific/Apia"
- "Pacific/Auckland"
- "Pacific/Bougainville"
- "Pacific/Chatham"
- "Pacific/Chuuk"
- "Pacific/Easter"
- "Pacific/Efate"
- "Pacific/Enderbury"
- "Pacific/Fakaofo"
- "Pacific/Fiji"
- "Pacific/Funafuti"
- "Pacific/Galapagos"
- "Pacific/Gambier"
- "Pacific/Guadalcanal"
- "Pacific/Guam"
- "Pacific/Honolulu"
- "Pacific/Johnston"
- "Pacific/Kiritimati"
- "Pacific/Kosrae"
- "Pacific/Kwajalein"
- "Pacific/Majuro"
- "Pacific/Marquesas"
- "Pacific/Midway"
- "Pacific/Nauru"
- "Pacific/Niue"
- "Pacific/Norfolk"
- "Pacific/Noumea"
- "Pacific/Pago_Pago"
- "Pacific/Palau"
- "Pacific/Pitcairn"
- "Pacific/Pohnpei"
- "Pacific/Ponape"
- "Pacific/Port_Moresby"
- "Pacific/Rarotonga"
- "Pacific/Saipan"
- "Pacific/Samoa"
- "Pacific/Tahiti"
- "Pacific/Tarawa"
- "Pacific/Tongatapu"
- "Pacific/Truk"
- "Pacific/Wake"
- "Pacific/Wallis"
- "Pacific/Yap"
- "Poland"
- "Portugal"
- "ROC"
- "ROK"
- "Singapore"
- "Turkey"
- "UCT"
- "US/Alaska"
- "US/Aleutian"
- "US/Arizona"
- "US/Central"
- "US/East-Indiana"
- "US/Eastern"
- "US/Hawaii"
- "US/Indiana-Starke"
- "US/Michigan"
- "US/Mountain"
- "US/Pacific"
- "US/Pacific-New"
- "US/Samoa"
- "UTC"
- "Universal"
- "W-SU"
- "WET"
- "Zulu"
Environment variables
- *Deprecated-
Creation: To get an
you will need an account. You can either use your existing account or create a Developer Account.- Existing account: You can create the key under your Account Settings.
- Developer account: You will have to verify your email address first to create your Developer Account. Expect to get an email with a shortcut to create the
. Click on the shortcut link to create yourAPI_KEY
and get started writing some code.
Updated 2 months ago