Available devices

Discovering devices on the network


Once a bridge is added to the account, devices in the network can be discovered and added.


  1. Identify different types of devices that can be added to the account through the /availableDevices endpoint. These devices include the following:
  • cameras
  • speakers
  • displays
  1. Use deviceType__in to filter the device that needs to be added to the account.
curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://<baseURL>/api/v3.0/availableDevices?deviceType__in=camera&pageToken=b2Zmc2V0PTEwJmxpbWl0PTEw&pageSize=100' \
  --header 'accept: application/json'
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'

The response will contain the device information of the discovered devices on the network.

See the following for an example response:

  "nextPageToken": "string",
  "prevPageToken": "string",
  "totalSize": 0,
  "results": [
            "deviceType": "camera",
            "guid": "837736e0-e334-11b6-92a4-001c271510a2",
            "state": "addable",
            "unknownCredentials": false,
            "visibleByBridges": [
            "make": "Eagle Eye Networks",
            "model": "EN-CDUB-013-2",
            "firmwareVersion": "v3.6.1303.1004.",
            "ipAddress": ""
            "deviceType": "camera",
            "guid": "86ba8412-cf30-4625-8c62-f4b1254a06c4",
            "state": "unknown",
            "unknownCredentials": false,
            "visibleByBridges": [
            "make": "Eagle Eye Networks",
            "model": "EN-CCUZ-001a",
            "firmwareVersion": "2.400.0002.23.R, Build Date 2019-01-24",
            "ipAddress": ""

What to do next

To add a device to an account, you need the guid of the device along with the bridges on which it is available (visibleByBridges).

A device with "addable" state can be added to the account.

If unknownCredentials is true, the credentials need to be provided when adding the device in order for the system to be able to communicate with the device.

Learn more

See the Cameras and Speakers guide to learn how to add cameras and speakers using the guid.