Video SDK for iOS

Initial requirements

The Eagle Eye Networks Video iOS SDK allows you to integrate video streaming into your iOS project. The SDK supports the playback of both video and audio.


Below are required for working with the Video SDK for iOS.
The integration can be done with CocoaPods:

  • Add the following to your podfile:
pod 'EEN-Video-iOS-SDK'



construction: iOS simulator might fail to properly display the video stream.

In order to use the Video SDK the account should already have the following:

  • For any API call you should already be logged in and have an access token available to authenticate the API calls.
  • The bridge version should be 3.8.0 or higher as well as current camera support drivers.

Steps to implement 2-Way Audio

Step 1: Get feed/media url

Get the WebRTC URL, device esn and media type using the feeds API.

  curl --location --request GET '<baseUrl>/api/v3.0/feeds?deviceId=1002c1f6&type=main&include=flvUrl' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <access token>'
      "nextPageToken": "",
      "prevPageToken": "",
      "results": [
              "id": "1002c1f6",
              "type": "main",
              "flvUrl": ""

Step 2: Initialize the SDK

Initialize the "Player" and add it to a view, set delegate:

        let player = Player()
        player.frame = view.frame
        player.delegate = self

Step 3: Implement delegate

  extension ViewController: PlayerDelegate {
    func playerDelegate(_ player: Player, onStatusUpdate status: StreamStatus, for esn: String) {
        switch status {
        case .initial:
        case .connecting:
        case .connected:
        case .playing:
        case .buffering:
        case .paused:
        case .disconnected(reason: let reason):
    func playerDelegate(_ player: Player, onStreamUpdate update: StreamUpdate, for esn: String) {
        switch update {
        case .timestamp(timestamp: let timestamp):
        case .duration(duration: let duration):
        case .progress(progress: let progress):
        case .size(size: let size):

Step 4: Playing

To start playing an item, create a PlayerItem then call start function:

  let accessToken: String = "abcd1234abcd1234"
  let deviceId: String = "abcd1234"
  let flvUrl = ""

  if let flvURL = URL(string: flvUrl) {
	  let playerItem = PlayerItem(url: flvUrl,
                esn: deviceId,
                streamingType: .flv)
      player.start(item: playerItem, accessToken: accessToken)

Step 5: Disconnect

When finished playing, and the player is not needed anymore, call cleanUp().


Methods and Models


To initialize the SDK you need to provide the following PlayerItem model:

  public struct PlayerItem {
    public var isLiveItem: Bool

    public init(url: URL,
            esn: String,
            startDate: Date = .init(),
            endDate: Date? = nil,
            streamingType: StreamingType)

  public enum StreamingType: String {
      case flv
      case rtsp

Once a stream is initiated, the player can provide the following self explaining states:

  enum StreamStatus: Equatable {
      case initial
      case connecting
      case connected
      case playing
      case buffering
      case paused
      case disconnected(reason: StreamEndReason)

  public enum StreamEndReason: Error, Equatable {
      case closed
      case streamError(StreamError)
      case error(Error)

  public enum StreamError: Error {
      case suppliedObjectIsInvalid(String?)
      case notAuthenticated(String?)
      case noPermission(String?)
      case resourceNotFound(String?)
      case internalError(String?)
      case unknownError

      public var defaultMessage: String


The Player provides the following methods:

  public func start(item: PlayerItem, accessToken: String)

This method will start a stream session and play automatically.

  public func play()

This method starts playing if it was paused before.

  public func pause()

Pauses playing.

  public func getStreamStatus()

Get current stream status.

  public var audioMuted: Bool

Mute or unmute audio.

  public var audioVolume: Float

Get and set playback audio volume.


The SDK provides the following delegate methods:

  func playerDelegate(_ player: Player, onStatusUpdate status: StreamStatus, for esn: String)

This method allows the developer to keep track of all the status updates.

  func playerDelegate(_ player: Player, onStreamUpdate update: StreamUpdate, for esn: String) {

This method allows the developer to keep track of all the stream updates such as timestamp, duration, and progress when available.