Event Types

Event Creation Schema

This guide provides instructions on how to properly form events that can be reported to the Eagle Eye Networks VMS. Events can be reported via the api/v3.0/events endpoint.

All reported events must include the following properties:

Start Timestamp
The exact time when the event began. Must be submitted in ISO8601 format with millisecond precision.

End Timestamp
The exact time when the event ended. Must be submitted in ISO8601 format with millisecond precision.

Indicates whether the event covers a span of time. If true, the event spans a period of time; if false, the event was instantaneous.

Account ID
A unique identifier for the account associated with the event.

Actor ID
A unique identifier for the entity that reported the event.

Actor Account ID
The unique identifier for the account to which the actor belongs.

Actor Type
The classification or role of the actor, such as camera.

Creator ID
A unique identifier for the individual or entity that created the event.

Specifies the type or category of the event.

Data Schemas
A list of data schema types included with the event submission. The types of data schemas that may be submitted depend on the event type.

A list of data schemas that provide further details about the reported event.

An example of an API request to submit an event would look like this:

curl --location 'https://api.cxxx.eagleeyenetworks.com/api/v3.0/events' \
     --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '{
  "startTimestamp": "2022-12-21T07:34:23.032Z",
  "endTimestamp": "2022-12-21T07:34:23.032Z",
  "span": false,
  "accountId": "00001106",
  "actorId": "100d4c41",
  "actorAccountId": "00001106",
  "actorType": "camera",
  "creatorId": "een.lpr",
  "type": "een.lprPlateReadEvent.v1",
  "dataSchemas": [
  "data": [
      "type": "een.lprDetection.v1",
      "creatorId": "een.lpr",
      "plateBoundingBox": [0.78, 0.26, 0.83, 0.28],
      "plate": "ABC1234",
      "plateConfidence": 0.99,
      "plateRegion": "US-NY",
      "plateRegionConfidence": 0.93

Event Type Descriptions

While the basic envelope for a new event remains the same, the data schemas that may be submitted will vary based on the event type. The section below details the possible event types and their matching data schemas.

Account Creation Event

Generated when an account is created.

Data Schemas

Resource Details
Details about the resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Account Deletion Event

Generated when an account is deleted.

Data Schemas

Resource Details
Details about the resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Account Update Event

Generated when an account is updated.

Data Schemas

Resource Details
Details about the resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Battery Level Update Event

Generated when there is an update in the level of a device's battery.

Data Schemas

Battery Level Update
Details about the devices battery level updates.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Device Cloud Status Update Event

Generated when a device's status changes. The event represents the span of time the device stays in the given state, and a null endTimestamp indicates it was still in the given state when the event was retrieved.

Data Schemas

Device Cloud Status Update
Details about the status update.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Device Creation Event

Generated when a device is added.

Data Schemas

Resource Details
Details about the resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Device Deletion Event

Generated when a device is deleted.

Data Schemas

Resource Details
Details about the resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Device Ioevent

Generated when there is a change in device I/O state, starting when the state becomes 'active' and ending when it transitions to 'idle'.

Data Schemas

Device Io
Details about the state change of a device's input or output.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Device Update Event

Generated when a device is updated.

Data Schemas

Resource Details
Details about the resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Door Status Event

Generated when a door is opened or closed.

Data Schemas

Sensor String Value Update
Details about the sensor value that has been updated.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Face Detection Event

Generated when a face is detected in the camera's view.

Data Schemas

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Person Attributes
Attributes related to a person detected in an event image

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Object Classification
Details about the object's classification.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Object Region Mapping
Details about the region(s) to which a selected object is associated with.
An object is considered to be associated with a region, if >20% of the area of the object bounding box lies within the region.
If an object is associated with multiple regions, all those regions should be enumerated in a single instance of this schema.

Display Overlay Bounding Box
It represents the overlays data that can be used to overlay displays for a particular event type, from the bounding boxes. This can include details such as labels, bounding boxes, and other relevant visual markers.

Fall Detection Event

Generated when a fall is detected, potentially indicating an accident or medical emergency.

Data Schemas

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Display Overlay Bounding Box
It represents the overlays data that can be used to overlay displays for a particular event type, from the bounding boxes. This can include details such as labels, bounding boxes, and other relevant visual markers.

Fight Detection Event

Generated when a fight is detected in the field of view for longer than a given duration.

Data Schemas


Gun Detection Event

Generated when a weapon is detected in the camera's view..

Data Schemas

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Motion Region
Details about the region where the motion occurred.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Display Overlay Bounding Box
It represents the overlays data that can be used to overlay displays for a particular event type, from the bounding boxes. This can include details such as labels, bounding boxes, and other relevant visual markers.

Weapon Attributes
Attributes related to a weapon object detected in an event image

Person Attributes
Attributes related to a person detected in an event image

Gun Shot Audio Detection Event

Generated when a gunshot sound has been detected by the system.

Data Schemas

Audio Detection
Details about the audio detection event.

Geo Location
Defines the geographic coordinates marking the location where an event originated.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Hands Up Detection Event

Generated when a person with their hands up is detected.

Data Schemas


Job Creation Event

Generated when a job is created.

Data Schemas

Job Details
Details about the job.

Owner Details
Details about the owner of a resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Job Deletion Event

Generated when a job is deleted.

Data Schemas

Owner Details
Details about the owner of a resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Job Update Event

Generated when a job is updated.

Data Schemas

Job Details
Details about the job.

Owner Details
Details about the owner of a resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Layout Creation Event

Generated when a layout is created.

Data Schemas

Resource Details
Details about the resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Layout Deletion Event

Generated when a layout is deleted.

Data Schemas

Resource Details
Details about the resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Layout Update Event

Generated when a layout is updated.

Data Schemas

Resource Details
Details about the resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Loiter Detection Event

Generated when an object remains in a specific area for an extended period of time, potentially indicating suspicious activity or unauthorized lingering.

Data Schemas

Loiter Area
Details about the monitored area in which the loitering happened.

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Display Overlay Bounding Box
It represents the overlays data that can be used to overlay displays for a particular event type, from the bounding boxes. This can include details such as labels, bounding boxes, and other relevant visual markers.

LPR Plate Read Event

Generated when the camera captures a license plate of a passing vehicle. It represents a single point in time.

Data Schemas


Motion Detection Event

Generated when there is a motion in front of the camera. The event represents the span of time for which the motion happened, and a null endTimestamp indicates that the motion was still ongoing when the event was retrieved.

Data Schemas

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Display Overlay Bounding Box
It represents the overlays data that can be used to overlay displays for a particular event type, from the bounding boxes. This can include details such as labels, bounding boxes, and other relevant visual markers.

Motion In Region Detection Event

Generated when there is a motion in a configured region of interest. The event represents the span of time for which the motion happened, and a null endTimestamp indicates that the motion was still ongoing when the event was retrieved.

Data Schemas

Motion Region
Details about the region where the motion occurred.

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Display Overlay Bounding Box
It represents the overlays data that can be used to overlay displays for a particular event type, from the bounding boxes. This can include details such as labels, bounding boxes, and other relevant visual markers.

Object Intrusion Event

Generated when an unauthorized object enters a restricted or monitored area, potentially indicating a security breach or intrusion attempt.

Data Schemas

Intrusion Area
Details about the monitored area in which the intrusion happened.

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Entry Direction
Defines the entry or exit movement within a defined boundary or area.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Display Overlay Bounding Box
It represents the overlays data that can be used to overlay displays for a particular event type, from the bounding boxes. This can include details such as labels, bounding boxes, and other relevant visual markers.

Object Line Cross Event

Generated when an object crosses a predefined virtual line or boundary within a monitored area.

Data Schemas

Line Cross Line
Details about the monitored line where a line crossing event occurred.

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Entry Direction
Defines the entry or exit movement within a defined boundary or area.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Display Overlay Bounding Box
It represents the overlays data that can be used to overlay displays for a particular event type, from the bounding boxes. This can include details such as labels, bounding boxes, and other relevant visual markers.

Object Removal Event

Generated when an object is removed from a designated or monitored area, potentially signaling a security concern, such as theft or loss. The schema for object detection is related to the removed object. The timestamp and image provided correspond to the moment when the object's removal was detected. The object detection bounding box points at the location the object previously was.

Data Schemas

Monitored Area
It represents the area configured to be monitored for a particular event type. If multiple regions are configured for the same type, we only add the area in which the event was detected.

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Display Overlay Bounding Box
It represents the overlays data that can be used to overlay displays for a particular event type, from the bounding boxes. This can include details such as labels, bounding boxes, and other relevant visual markers.

Person Detection Event

Generated when there is a person in motion in front of the camera. The event represents the span of time for which the person was in motion, and a null endTimestamp indicates that the person's motion was still ongoing when the event was retrieved.

Data Schemas

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Person Attributes
Attributes related to a person detected in an event image

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Object Classification
Details about the object's classification.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Object Region Mapping
Details about the region(s) to which a selected object is associated with.
An object is considered to be associated with a region, if >20% of the area of the object bounding box lies within the region.
If an object is associated with multiple regions, all those regions should be enumerated in a single instance of this schema.

Display Overlay Bounding Box
It represents the overlays data that can be used to overlay displays for a particular event type, from the bounding boxes. This can include details such as labels, bounding boxes, and other relevant visual markers.

Person Motion Detection Event

Generated when there is a person in motion in front of the camera. The event represents the span of time for which the person was in motion, and a null endTimestamp indicates that the person's motion was still ongoing when the event was retrieved.

Data Schemas

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Object Classification
Details about the object's classification.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Person Tailgate Event

Generated when an unauthorized person follows an authorized individual through a secure access point, potentially indicating a security breach.

Data Schemas

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Display Overlay Bounding Box
It represents the overlays data that can be used to overlay displays for a particular event type, from the bounding boxes. This can include details such as labels, bounding boxes, and other relevant visual markers.

POS Transaction Event

Generated when a transaction is performed on Point of Sale (PoS) terminal integrated with Eagle Eye VMS. It is a span event and has a separate start and end time.

Data Schemas


PPE Violation Event

Generated when PPE Violation (Personal Protective Equipment Violation) is detected in the camera's view.

Data Schemas

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Person Attributes
Attributes related to a person detected in an event image

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Object Classification
Details about the object's classification.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Object Region Mapping
Details about the region(s) to which a selected object is associated with.
An object is considered to be associated with a region, if >20% of the area of the object bounding box lies within the region.
If an object is associated with multiple regions, all those regions should be enumerated in a single instance of this schema.

Display Overlay Bounding Box
It represents the overlays data that can be used to overlay displays for a particular event type, from the bounding boxes. This can include details such as labels, bounding boxes, and other relevant visual markers.

PTZ Position Update Event

Generated when there is a change in the ptz position of a camera.

Data Schemas

PTZ Position Update
Details about the ptz position update.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Scene Label Event

Generated whenever an image is labeled with object metadata. It merely represents the state of the scene at that point in time. This event is sufficient to describe the information related to 0 or more objects present in the scene at that point in time. Consequently, there can be more than one occurrence of each schema in this event data. For example, if there are two persons in the scene, there will be two instances of each of objectDetection, objectClassification, personAttributes schema. The consumer of this data is expected to use the objectId which is present in each dataSchema to link information for each instance of the object in the scene, as objectId will be unique per object in the scene.

Data Schemas


Sensor Threshold Status Event

Generated when there is a change in status related to a sensor's threshold.

Data Schemas

Sensor Threshold Status
Details about the sensor's status changes related to predefined thresholds.

Sensor Value Update
Details about the sensor value that has been updated.

Sensor String Value Update
Details about the sensor value that has been updated.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

T3Alarm Audio Detection Event

Generated upon detecting the sound of a T3 alarm, which is defined as "Audible Emergency Evacuation Signal" by the ANSI S3.41 and ISO 8201 standards. This alarm is normally used to indicate the presence of smoke or fire, but can be used in any situation that requires immediate evacuation of the building.

Data Schemas

Audio Detection
Details about the audio detection event.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

T4Alarm Audio Detection Event

Generated upon detecting the sound of a T4 alarm, which is specifically designed to indicate high levels of carbon monoxide (CO).

Data Schemas

Audio Detection
Details about the audio detection event.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Tamper Detection Event

Generated when someone is trying to block the camera's view or the image is greatly altered.

Data Schemas

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Thermal Camera Threshold Status Event

Generated when a thermal camera detects temperature changes based on user-defined thresholds, in a monitored area. It captures metadata including temperature values, coordinates, and status changes.

Data Schemas

Thermal Camera Value Update
Details about the thermal camera values that has been updated.

Thermal Monitored Area
It represents the area configured to be monitored for thermal events, with additional configurations defined for the area. If multiple regions are configured for the same type, we only add the area in which the event was detected.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

User Creation Event

Generated when a user is created.

Data Schemas

Resource Details
Details about the resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

User Deletion Event

Generated when a user is deleted.

Data Schemas

Resource Details
Details about the resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

User Update Event

Generated when a user is updated.

Data Schemas

Resource Details
Details about the resource.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Vehicle Detection Event

Generated when there is a vehicle in motion in front of the camera. The event represents the span of time for which the vehicle was in motion, and a null endTimestamp indicates that the vehicle's motion was still ongoing when the event was retrieved.

Data Schemas

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Object Classification
Details about the object's classification.

Vehicle Attributes
Attributes of the vehicle that created the LPR event.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Object Region Mapping
Details about the region(s) to which a selected object is associated with.
An object is considered to be associated with a region, if >20% of the area of the object bounding box lies within the region.
If an object is associated with multiple regions, all those regions should be enumerated in a single instance of this schema.

Display Overlay Bounding Box
It represents the overlays data that can be used to overlay displays for a particular event type, from the bounding boxes. This can include details such as labels, bounding boxes, and other relevant visual markers.

Vehicle Motion Detection Event

Generated when there is a vehicle in motion in front of the camera. The event represents the span of time for which the vehicle was in motion, and a null endTimestamp indicates that the vehicle's motion was still ongoing when the event was retrieved.

Data Schemas

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Object Classification
Details about the object's classification.

Vehicle Attributes
Attributes of the vehicle that created the LPR event.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Violence Detection Event

Generated when violent behavior or physical aggression is detected in the camera's field of view.

Data Schemas

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Weapon Detection Event

Generated when a weapon is detected in the camera's view..

Data Schemas

Full Frame Image Url
Details about the full frame image url related to the event.

Cropped Frame Image Url
Details about the cropped frame image url related to the event.

Object Detection
Details about the object that was detected.

Motion Region
Details about the region where the motion occurred.

Creator Details
Details about the source of the events. Generally this should mainly be used for "subjective" events where different applications, hardware models and even versions might generate different results, making it useful to be able to differentiate between them.

Display Overlay Bounding Box
It represents the overlays data that can be used to overlay displays for a particular event type, from the bounding boxes. This can include details such as labels, bounding boxes, and other relevant visual markers.